Drug Delivery Summaries

Achilefu, Samuel ; Biswas, Pratim ; Raliya, Ramesh ; Som, Avik

— Background: Physiological pH changes consistently affect millions of people worldwide. A slight variation in physiological pH exposes the body to various health risks, ranging from common heartburn to the formation of malignant tumors. Conventional methods for buffering pH are accomplished through a…

Pro-drug Nanoparticle Technology (Used to be: Rational Design and Synthesis of Photo chemically stable Fumagillin Conjugates)
Lanza, Gregory ; Pan, Dipanjan ; Wickline, Samuel

— Background: Targeted nanoparticles have been shown to have high potential in the detection and characterization of various pathologies based on unique profiles of cell surface markers, as well as the delivery of therapeutic compounds. Liposomes, micelles, emulsions and other lipid-based particles ha…

In vivo editing via targeted adenoviral vectors
Curiel, David

— Background: Viral vectors have been used for in vivo delivery of CRISPR/Cas9. However, it’s applications have been limited by the native tropism of the viral vector. To better utilize in vivo editing, methods must be developed to accomplish efficient, selective and coordinated delivery of CRI…

PEGylated-GIRLRG Peptide for Radiopharmaceutical Delivery
Hallahan, Dennis

— Technology: GRP78 is a chaperone that is part of a complex that controls the maturation of glycoproteins in the ER and senses cellular stress in normal cells. However, following radiation treatment, GRP78 is also expressed on the surface of cancer cells and has anti-apoptotic and pro-angiogenesis ac…

Natriuretic Peptide-Mediated Imaging and/or Treatment of Atherosclerotic Plaque
Rossin, Raffaella ; Welch, Michael ; Woodard, Pamela

— Background Atherosclerosis is a disease process in which lipid deposition causes the formation of plaques that lead to thickening of the artery walls. The cause of a majority of fatal acute myocardial infarction and sudden coronary death is due to the rupture of soft or unstable plaques; however, t…

Oxygen-releasing hydrogel for rapid wound healing
Guan, Jianjun ; Guan, Ya ; Niu, Hong

— Technology Description Researchers in Jianjun Guan’s lab at Washington University have developed an oxygen-releasing hydrogel that accelerates wound healing. The biodegradable hydrogel is loaded with oxygen release microspheres (ORM) that slowly release oxygen into the surrounding tissue to …

CCR2-targeted cancer nanoimmunotherapy
Lim, Kian-Huat ; Liu, Yongjian ; Zhang, Xiaohui

— Disease indication – Drug format – Combination containing radiolabeled copper nanocluster, small molecule, and peptide Drug class – First-in-class Target – CCR2, the receptor for CCL2 Mode of action – The ECL1i peptide is conjugated to a copper nanocluster loaded…

Targeted liposome drug delivery system to improve multiple myeloma treatment
Azab, Abdel Kareem ; Federico, Cinzia

— Technology Description Researchers in Prof. Kareem Azab’s laboratory have developed a liposome drug delivery vehicle to improve efficacy and reduce side effects of multiple myeloma treatment. This system is designed to target compounds to the bone marrow microenvironment (BMME) and simultane…

Rapid PEG-based drug delivery implant for local treatment of cervical cancer
Azab, Abdel Kareem ; Federico, Cinzia ; Schwarz, Julie ; Sun, Jennifer

— Technology Description Researchers in Prof. Kareem Azab’s laboratory have developed a fast, localized drug delivery system designed to maximize anti-tumor efficacy and reduce side effects by delivering chemotherapy directly to cervical tumors. The current standard-of-care treatment regimen …

Synthetic Dendritic Cells for Expanding Antigen-Specific T Cells used in Cancer Immunotherapy
Klechevsky, Eynav ; Pathak, Amit ; Sarker, Bapi

— Technology Description: A team led by Drs. Amit Pathak and Eynav Klechevsky have developed a soft alginate-gelatin matrix-based synthetic dendritic cell to rapidly expand and deliver CD8+ T cells for cancer immunotherapy. CD8+ T cells kill tumors, but current methods to expand them also activate r…

Exosome-based therapy for tendon injuries and other soft tissue repair
Shen, Hua

— Technology Description: A team of researchers at Washington University has developed a cell-free, nano-sized extracellular vesicle (EV/exosome) system to enhance repair of soft musculoskeletal tissue. This technology leverages the natural anti-inflammatory effects of adipose-derived stem cells (ASC…

Ultrasound “painting” for precise, targeted drug delivery to the brain
Chen, Hong ; Williamson, Jeffrey ; Yang, Yaoheng "Mack"

— Technology Description Researchers in Prof. Hong Chen’s laboratory have developed a safe, convenient monitoring technique to precisely deliver drugs to the brain by integrating ultrasound imaging with ultrasound therapy (focused ultrasound-blood-brain-barrier delivery, “FUS-BBBD”…

Cell-based tumor targeting for delivering therapeutic and imaging agents
Azab, Abdel Kareem ; Muz, Barbara

— Researchers in Prof. Abdel Kareem Azab’s laboratory have developed a biologically-targeted cellular drug delivery system to precisely target therapeutic or diagnostic agents to a wide range of cancers. Delivering drugs directly to cancer cells and not to healthy cells could improve outcomes by…

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