Pediatrics Summaries

Neonatal Eating Outcome (NEO) Assessment
Pineda, Roberta

— To order a NEO Assessment, Click Here. If the link does not work, copy and paste into your search bar. Summary: Eating is an important part of daily life; it ensures nutrition for growth and is an important activity of daily living with strong social implications. …

Therapeutic food supplements that promote healthy gut microbiome to treat malnutrition
Barratt, Michael ; Chang, Hao-Wei ; Gehrig, Jeanette ; Gordon, Jeffrey ; Venkatesh, Siddarth

— Technology Description Prof. Jeffrey Gordon and his colleagues have developed an inexpensive food formulation that could treat malnutrition and a range of associated health problems by repairing the gut microbiome. Children who are malnourished are currently treated with supplemental nutrition tha…

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