Summaries by Inventor Anastasio, Mark

Transcranial photoacoustic/thermoacoustic tomography brain imaging informed by adjunct image data (combined with 013043)
Anastasio, Mark ; Huang, Chao ; Nie, Liming ; Schoonover, Robert ; Wang, Lihong

— Existing high-resolution human brain imaging modalities such as X-ray computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are expensive and employ bulky and generally non-portable imaging equipment. Moreover, X-ray CT is unsafe for patients who need long time monitoring of brain diseases …

Deep Learning-Assisted Image Reconstruction for Tomographic Imaging
Anastasio, Mark ; Kelly, Brendan ; Matthews, Thomas

— Background Image reconstruction for any modern imaging technique is an optimization problem. Most image reconstructions methods are iterative in nature and produce sequential intermediate images that are compared to the raw acquisition data and subsequently updated to maximize the likelihood that t…


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