Summaries by Inventor Gilboa, Elad

Algorithm for Multi-Agent Coordination Through Adaptively Regularized Parallel Distributed Optimization
Gilboa, Elad

— Many problems require the analysis of large, high-dimensional datasets, which make the problem intractable to most optimization algorithms. Gilboa has developed a new parallel distributed algorithm for block optimization problems using adaptive regularizer PDAR. PDAR is able to solve both t…

Parallel single step prediction algorithm for conductivity-tensor estimation
Gilboa, Elad ; La Rosa Araya, Patricio ; Nehorai, Arye

— A novel method for solving the inverse problem of inferring the conductivity tensor field structure (e.g. biological tissue) from a set spatiotemporal measurement. The new method is computationally more efficient than existing methods. We achieved the computational efficiency by using the optimizati…


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