Summaries by Inventor Hansen, Ted

Armenian Hamster Anti-Mouse Tapasin Antibody, clone 5D3
Hansen, Ted ; Lybarger, Lonnie ; Wang, Xiaoli

— Target: Amino acids 11-34 of mouse tapasin. Application(s): Western Blotting Armenian hamster mAb (5D3) was produced to peptide EDAGGGGLSKKPATLLLRH GPRGP, representing residues 11–34 on mouse Tapasin (TPN) (44). TPN mAb was found to be specific for mouse TPN, as determined in a Western blot analysis of cell lysates of .221 (human TPN-positive) cells, .220 (human TPN-n…

Disulfide trapped antigenic peptide in an MHC molecule.
Connolly, Janet ; Fremont, Daved ; Hansen, Ted ; Lybarger, Lonnie ; Miley, Michael ; Mitaksov, Vesselin ; Truscott, Steven
T-004551 Mouse anti-MR1 hybridomas, clone 4E3 and 6D1
Hansen, Ted ; Wang, Xiaoli

— mAb 4E3 was derived by immunization of β2m-deficient BALB/c mice with a keyhole limpet hemocyanin-conjugated peptide corresponding to mMR1 residues 130–153 (L A M D Y V A H I T K Q A W E A N L H E L Q Y Q). Hybridomas were produced by standard methods and screened by anti-peptide ELISA. …

Mouse and Human Anti-MR1 Hybridoma
Cella, Marina ; Colonna, Marco ; Fremont, Daved ; Gilfillan, Susan ; Hansen, Ted ; Myers, Nancy

— Target: Major Histocompatibility Complex, Class 1-Related Protein Notes: Clone available is 26.5Hybridoma clone 26.5 secreting mAb 26.5 to human and mouse MR1, an MHC-like molecule that restricts the activation of anti-microbial MIAT cells. Publication: Evidence for MR1 Antigen Presentation to Mucosal-associated Invariant T Cells


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