Summaries by Inventor Kotzbauer, Paul

Recombinant Alpha-synuclein monomer and fibrils produced from Recombinant Alpha-synuclein monomer
Kotzbauer, Paul

— Alpha synuclein is a 140 amino acid protein. The accumulation of aggregated alpha-synuclein within neuronal cells is the defining pathologic change in Parkinson’s disease. We produced recombinany human alpha-synuclein protein in E. Coli and purified it. We developmed an incubation procedure unde…

Styryl Heteroaromatic Ring Containing Analogues for Alpha-Synuclein
Kotzbauer, Paul ; Li, Junfeng ; Tu, Zhude "Will" ; Yue, Xuyi

— Compounds with high affinity for aggregated alpha-synuclein, after radiolabeling with C-11 or F-18, 1- 125, 1-123 and Br-76, could be used as PET tracers to measure the level and distribution of aggregated alpha-synuclein in patients with Parkinson’s disease and related diseases such as DLB…

Tri-heterocyclic ring compounds as alpha-synuclein ligands
Kotzbauer, Paul ; Mach, Robert ; Tu, Zhude "Will" ; Yu, Lihai

— A novel series of phenothiazine-derived molecules are useful for detecting Parkinson’s disease using positron emission tomography (PET) imaging. The molecules bind with high affinity to the alpha- synuclein protein, which forms aggregates in the brain and is associated with the neurodegenerati…

Radiotracers to detect early Parkinson’s disease
Kotzbauer, Paul ; Qiu, Lin ; Tu, Zhude "Will" ; Yu, Yanbo

— Radiotracers to detect early Parkinson’s disease Technology Description Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis, led by Dr. Zhude Tu, have developed two imaging agents for α-synuclein (α-syn) aggregation for use to diagnose early Parkinson’s disease, track dise…

Alpha-synuclein ligands as specific PET imaging probes for Parkinson’s Disease and other disorders
Dhavale, Dhruva ; Kotzbauer, Paul ; Tu, Zhude "Will" ; Yue, Xuyi

— Technology Description A team of researchers at Washington University have developed and optimized highly potent PET imaging probes which are specific for the misfolded protein that is the hallmark of Parkinson’s disease and related disorders. This family of molecules was designed based on s…


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