Summaries by Inventor Maslov, Konstantin

Optical Resolution Photoacoustic Imaging Device for Port-Wine Stains
Maslov, Konstantin ; Rao, Bin ; Wang, Lihong

— A photoacoustic tomography device that provides high optical absorption contrast with high lateral resolution, including very good melanin distribution images, for port wine stain birthmarks.

Multi-focus optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy with ultrasonic array detection
Maslov, Konstantin ; Rao, Bin ; Song, Liang ; Wang, Lihong

— In clinical practice, high imaging speed is critical to reduce motion artifacts, cost, and patient discomfort. Researchers at Washington University have developed multi-focal optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy (MFOR-PAM) capable of high-resolution imaging of hemoglobin concentration and oxy…


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