Summaries by Inventor Randolph, Gwendalyn

Tools for the Detection of High-Density Lipoprotein Transport To and From Tissues
Huang, Li-Hao ; Randolph, Gwendalyn ; Zinselmeyer, Bernd

— Background High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) have been widely studied and linked to various diseases, especially metabolic diseases. HDL levels in the blood have traditionally been used as a benchmark for risk of cardiovascular disease. However, these blood tests may be misleading – HDL levels…

Lyz2Cre;Talin-1fl/fl mice
Randolph, Gwendalyn

— Lyz2Cre;Talin-1fl/fl mouse strain Inventors crossed Talin-1fl/fl mice (received from Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation) with Lyz2Cre mice (available at the Jackson Laboratory) to generate Lyz2Cre;Talin-1fl/fl mice.


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