Summaries by Inventor Song, Sheng-Kwei

Quantify multi-tensor for improved CNS injury diagnosis using diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI)
Song, Sheng-Kwei "Victor" ; Wang, Qing ; Wang, Yong

— Background: Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has demonstrated sensitivity to detect pathologies in CNS white matter disorders. However, the capability of DTI to detect CNS white matter pathologies is confounded by the coexisting structural (crossing fibers) and pathological (inflammation associated ce…

MRI-based virtual histopathology for non-invasive diagnosis of prostate cancer, glioblastoma and other conditions
Song, Sheng-Kwei "Victor" ; Ye, Zezhong

— Researchers in Prof. Sheng-Kwei (Victor) Song’s laboratory have developed diffusion histology imaging (“DHI”), a tool to provide a non-invasive diagnosis for accurately grading tumors and guiding treatment decisions. This “virtual histopathology” technology classifies mic…


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