Background: Faculty members from institutions all over the world are publishing scientific articles, presenting data to conferences, and writing proposals for government-funded grants all simultaneously at one time. Of course, the outcomes happen to be known at different times for each specific task and the results oftentimes are not disseminated to the public at the time of the achievement. Employees at these institutions are typically assigned to track down the accomplishments of faculty in order to publicize the information on the departmental website and faculty webpage. Yet, for instance if a professor was awarded a grant which was published on the grants-funded website and a journalist at Washington University in St. Louis publicized this information, the departmental website, faculty webpage, and even the public faculty curriculum vitae (CV) will not be updated until months later, if at all.
Technology Description: Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have developed an automated CV tool for faculty in an academic setting. This tool continuously combines data found on websites such as PubMed and grants databases and selectively represent data in a style consistent with the house style of the organization. In addition, it is a wholly independent program that can interface with public application programming interfaces (APIs).
Key Advantages:
- Automatic toolkit and very easy to use
- Imports data from multiple sources
- CVs and departmental websites are updated in real-time as achievements are made